Back at Low Street, enter Wally's shop, grab the monocle, exit Low Street to High Street, enter the jail, use the monocle on Otis' lock, and exit. Interact with the docks left of the bar, examine the job openings ad, exit after the dialogue, head right to Low Street, meet Elaine, enter the Mojo shop, get the hint book, and buy the knife and frog. Go down after the dialogue, enter Scumm Bar, take the trivia book, answer the trivia card in it (the kitchen), and then talk to the pirates to the right until Guybrush storms off. Nice moustache, Chuckie! Part I: A Friendly Place Search for a four-leaf clover after interacting with the sign, pick up the coin to the right, use it on the well, wish for whatever you want, open the gate, and talk to your dad. Pick up the ketchup blob to your right, use it on your Scurvydog, take a bite, head up, and interact with the ship to swordfight. Examine the basket next to the couple, grab the bread while they're blabbing, stand on the dock, and use the bread on the duck. Exit right to meet Dee, examine the anchor, and challenge Chuckie to a race (win by holding a shoulder trigger while pressing down-right after the countdown). Examine the piece of metal on the floor, peel the slug off the floor, go back to Scurvydogs, place the key back, and give the slug to the vendor. Enter the Scurvydogs building, snag the key, exit, open your inventory, grab the outhouse key, and use it to unlock the outhouse. v1d30chumz 194-143-137-78 Let me tell you a story, kids Prelude: An Unexpected Story Begins There are a ton of missables so you may need a couple of playthroughs to get every achievement. Also, if you're trying for achievements, make sure to examine every point of interest and exhaust all dialogue with everyone you come across. 🤩īefore we begin, please note that this guide has been written while playing on Hard Mode so you can experience everything Return to Monkey Island has to offer.
│ Nothing causes more disappointment than hype so at Video Chums, we avoid hyping games prior to playing them for ourselves. Return to Monkey Island is a confusing game at times so here's a walkthrough that'll explain exactly what to do in each of its 5 parts.